As many of you know, after 14 years at the shop we're officially retiring as of Monday, October 2.
We're beyond excited the shop will continue under new ownership. We know Annie will do a great job and you'll all love her. Yes, the shop will change, but it's also changed a lot over the last 14 years, so that won't be anything new!
As we move into this new chapter of our lives, we want to take a moment and thank you all for your support and allowing us the great privilege of running the little shop in Cambria. We also can't forget to thank our amazing vendor partners. Being able to work with and learn from Trendsetter, Manos, Berroco, Prism, Skacel, Bryson, KFI, and so many others has been such a joy and without their support the shop would never be what it is today.
Yes, the shop is a job, but it's been a great job full of amazing experiences, unique adventures, and wonderful people. We're looking forward to our next adventures and to see the wonderful things Annie has in store for you all.
Also, please be kind and patient during this time. It's not easy to take over a long time shop. Kris and Oz had 14 years to learn from their many mistakes. Be sure and give Annie and her staff, some of whom are brand new, the benefit of your kindness as they bring you many more years of the Ball & Skein.
Thanks again for 14 wonderful years.
With Gratitude, Kris and Oz
Other Notes:The Web Site will be unavailable for a few days starting on Thursday, September 28. The Shop will be closed from Saturday, September 30 through Wednesday October 4. It will re-open on Thursday October 5 at 11 AM