addiClick Tips
Add an extra set of tips to your addiClick set!
When purchasing addiClick Tips, remember that the length of both tips factors into the overall needle length when an addiClick Cord is attached. Thus, be sure to select the correct type of addiClick Cord for your addiClick Tip choice:
- Turbo, Standard Rocket, Ewenicorn Rocket, and Standard Rocket² [squared] tips measure 5.0” in length; two tips will equal 10” of the overall needle length when a cord is attached
- Bamboo and Olive Wood tips measure 5.0” in length; two tips will equal 10” of the overall needle length when a cord is attached
- Short Rocket and Short Rocket² [squared] tips measure 3.5” in length; two tips will equal 7” of the overall length when a cord is attached